Wish Upon a Wedding

I was recently asked for a donation towards a great cause that I wanted to share with all of my readers. A few days ago I received an email from Robyn with Meant to be sent (a fabulous invitation and paper creation company) she is the marketing chair on the board of directors for the Michigan chapter. The organization is called Wish Upon a Wedding, it is a nonprofit company granting wedding wishes to those with serious illnesses or life-changing obstacles. The Michigan chapter is in need of funds to launch their chapter and begin granting wedding wishes for terminally ill individuals. Needless to say, I was only too happy to help with such a great cause…I only felt like my small contribution was not enough, I also applied to help grant wishes for the Ohio and Kentucky chapters. While researching on how I can become more involved I learned even more about this great charity.

From the Wish Upon a Wedding website directly: Wish Upon a Wedding is a nonprofit 501 (c) (3) organization that provides weddings and vow renewals to couples facing terminal illness or other serious life-altering circumstances, regardless of sexual orientation. Often, couples facing such situations do not have the energy, time, money, or resources needed to plan their wedding. Our organization takes care of all the details, offering couples a chance to relax and enjoy a very special day while surrounded by the love of their closest family and friends.

By celebrating the courage & spirit of these couples, we help create lasting memories that will be cherished for years to come. It is our wish to instill a sense of hope and strength in other couples who may be facing similar situations.

Officially launched in January of 2010, Wish Upon a Wedding currently has over a dozen chapters to serve Wish Applicants.

Here is one of many touching stories I found on their website of how Wish Upon a Wedding made a couples dream wedding come true.

The Love Story of Cory and Janice

Sometimes you meet “the one” well before either of you even knows it.

Cory and Janice knew of each other growing up, having gone to school together since grade school. They didn’t really float in the same circles then, but shared some mutual friends. It wasn’t until as teenagers they worked together at a local grocery store, that Cory developed, in his words, “a very secret, very pressing crush” on Janice.

Janice, however, was dating Cory’s best friend.

Once the two split amicably, Cory mustered every ounce of his courage to ask Janice out, who – much to his surprise – answered yes. Now he was faced with the daunting task of figuring out what to do on a date with a girl he liked so much. He must have found the right activity, because that was over five years ago now.

After three happy years of dating, Cory proposed to Janice on Christmas morning, 2008, in front of his whole family. She said “yes,” and the pair planned to be married the following June.

Here’s where the simple, happy ending should be inserted. Boy meets girl, boy and girl fall in love, boy and girl get married and live happily ever after. Here’s where life got in the way instead.

Cory suffers from Diabetic Retinopathy with Macular Edema & Chronic Pain Syndrome due to Diabetes. This means that on many days he deals with more pain and discomfort than most people experience in one year. It also means that he will be completely blind by the end of the year; possibly as soon as by the end of summer. Cory’s only wish is to see his bride walk down the aisle – and the time for that is rapidly waning.

Janice lost her parents when she was young; Cory’s family took her in when she was left without a place to live while they were dating. She now attends college on a scholarship while working part-time to provide for the two of them, as Cory is no longer able to attend school or work because of his medical issues. It’s not easy, but they make it work.

The two have dreams and plans for their future together, just as any other young couple does. They hope to someday have a family, buy a house, live the life they imagine, together. Cory put it best: “I can’t imagine having anyone other than her to spend every single day with.”

Cory and Janice were introduced to Wish Upon A Wedding through Cory’s sister, who suggested they apply. Because of Cory’s medical challenges and imminent blindness, the couple qualify for a special circumstances wish, to be joyfully granted by the Indianapolis Chapter on April 7, 2011. Cory and Janice were introduced as Indianapolis’ first Wish Recipients at the Chapter’s official Launch Party on January 12, 2011.

This is truly a fabulous organization and as it mentions above they are funded solely on donations and vendor help/support. Check out their website to find a chapter located near you and to find out how you can make a difference.

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